May Madness at Piedmont Lake Saturday May 18

Spring has sprung and now it is time to go after those post spawn muskies!  Our May Madness Tournament is at Piedmont Lake on Saturday May 18th.  The muskies can always be muskies, but we should be putting lures in front of hungry fish fully recovered from the spawn with shad spawning on shoreline cover everywhere.

Please join us at weigh-in following a fun (and hopefully, successful) day on the water for some pizza and to share some fish stories as we also present the tournament winners with their trophies.  For participating in our May Madness Tournament, each participant will receive a free musky lure ticket at weigh-in to enter into a raffle featuring baits from Six2Noon Lures and others.

This is a single day points tournament, (with an optional Big Fish side pot), which will run from 7:30 am to 5:00 pm, Saturday.  All catch entries must be photographed on a bump board with the assigned identifier code visible and turned into the Tournament Director (TD) by 5:30 pm at the marina, or via the TD cell phone number(s) that is provided. Any fish must measure at least 30” to be submitted.  Scoring in this points system awards 4 points for a 30” fish plus 1 additional point is given for every inch over 30”.   For example, a 42.5” fish would earn 4 points plus 12.5 points for a total of 16.5 points.  The winner will be the highest total points for the day.  First, second, and third place will receive trophies at the check-in.

We prefer you register for the event 1 of 2 ways:

  • Register online at
  • Via postal mail
    • OHMC, 17712 Edgewater, Lakewood, Ohio 44107

** We can allow for in-person registration the day of the event, but the entrant must make contact with a TD no later than 30 minutes after the start of the event, and then arrange to meet the TD to hand over the entry fee.

The entry fee will be $25 with a $10 big fish entry pool.  Proceeds of this event will help fund the OHMC’s contribution to the Minnow Fund.

Once registered, you can launch from any public launch the day of the event. We look forward to seeing you!

Please read the rules for the tournament below:

Event Rules and Regulations

New for 2024 and going forward: 

  • All in-person event plaques will now be given to the winner at the designated in-person fish “weigh-in” location.  If any angler receiving a plaque is unable to make it to the “weigh-in” location, it is that angler’s responsibility to pick it up at a later date.  Plaques will not be mailed out going forward. Plaques will be forfeited after the following year’s banquet.


It was a brutally cold and windy day out on Leesville Lake, but that didn’t stop the 43 anglers who entered our Icebreaker event.  The bitter cold definitely did not result in a hot bite, but we did have seven anglers score eight fish in the event.  Colton Harmon claimed the victory with his two fish scoring a total of 33.5 points!  Not only was Colton the only angler to land two muskies on this day, but he also caught the biggest, measuring in at 47 inches!  This monster muskie was Colton’s new personal best, and it won him the $420 Big Fish pot.  Rounding out the top three, and also receiving trophies, were Dave White in second place with 14.25 points, and Gary Andreis in third with 12.5 points.

After being blasted with icy cold winds all day, it was great to gather in the warm and cozy Leesville Lake South Fork Marina for dinner and our final check-in.  As we refueled on the tasty food and drink, we also raffled off our door prize muskie baits including some beautiful bucktails from Six2noon Lures, and awarded the top three anglers their trophies.  The weather wasn’t all that nice to us, but all in all it was a great event.  We appreciate all of you anglers that braved the cold to come out in support of the OHMC and to raise money for the Minnow Fund.  Congratulations once again to all of our winners!  Be sure to mark your calendars now for our next event on May 18th at Piedmont.  There will be more details to come.

Thank you to Leesville Lake South Fork Marina a for hosting us again! Such a great place for us to gather for our events on Leesville.  Be sure to visit them before or after your day on the water for supplies and some great food and beverages.  Also, thank you to Six2noon Lures for generously providing bucktails for our door prize raffle!  Check out their site to grab some finely crafted baits of your own.


Congrats to our winners and all who were able to put a fish on the board in these tough conditions.


Colton Harmon 47″ and 38.5″

Dave White 40.25″

Gary Andreis 38.5″

Derek Halas 38.5″

Donnie Klauss 38.25″

Dean McConnell 35″

Reid Miller 30″


Colton Harmon 47″

Colton Harmon 38.5″

Colton Harmon 1st Place Trophy

Dave White 40.25″

Dave White 2nd Place Trophy

Gary Andreis 38.5″

Gary Andreis 3rd Place Trophy

Derek Halas 38.5″

Donnie Klauss 38.25″

Dean McConnell 35″

Leesville Lake South Fork Marina

OHMC Trophies



The time has finally come to dust off those rods and reels and get back to chasing some muskies!  We will kick off our 2024 tournament season with the Icebreaker at Leesville Lake on Saturday March 23rd.  Plenty of anglers have taken advantage of the very mild Winter and landed some real monsters already, including on Leesville!  Hopefully that trend continues and we see decent weather and plenty of action as we come together to raise some money to be put towards the Minnow Fund.  Help us kick this season off right and come join us for a fun day on one of Ohio’s top producing musky lakes.


South Fork Marina has generously offered to host us once again for our fish check-in and will have some dinner available to us.  OHMC will provide each tournament-registered angler with a $5 credit towards any food purchase.  So, please join us and support our awesome sponsor, South Fork Marina, for a hot meal and to share some fish stories as we also present the tournament winners with their trophies.


This is a single day points tournament, (with an optional Big Fish side pot), which will run from 7:30 am to 5:00 pm, Saturday.  All catch entries must be photographed on a bump board with the assigned identifier code visible and turned into the Tournament Director (TD) by 5:30 pm at the South Fork Marina, or via the TD cell phone number(s) that is provided. Any fish must measure at least 30” to be submitted.  Scoring in this points system awards 4 points for a 30” fish plus 1 additional point is given for every inch over 30”.   For example, a 42.5” fish would earn 4 points plus 12.5 points for a total of 16.5 points.  The winner will be the highest total points for the day.  First, second, and third place will receive trophies at the check-in.


We prefer you register for the event 1 of 2 ways:

  • Register online at
  • Via postal mail
    • OHMC, 17712 Edgewater, Lakewood, Ohio 44107


**  We can allow for in-person registration the day of the event, but the entrant must make contact with a TD no later than 30 minutes after the start of the event, and then arrange to meet the TD to hand over entry fee.


Once registered, or have contacted a TD to meet for registration, you can launch from any public launch.

The entry fee will be $25 with a $10 big fish entry pool.  Proceeds of this event will help fund the OHMC’s contribution to the Minnow Fund.

We look forward to seeing you all there!

Here are the rules for the event.

Point System Rules and Regulations


New for 2024 and going forward:

  • All in-person event plaques will now be given to the winner at the designated in-person fish “weigh-in” location. If any angler receiving a plaque is unable to make it to the “weigh-in” location, it is that angler’s responsibility to pick it up at a later date.  Plaques will not be mailed out going forward. Plaques will be forfeited after the following year’s banquet.

Annual Awards Banquet February 17

Our 63rd Annual Ohio Huskie Muskie Club business
meeting and awards banquet will be on Saturday, February 17,
2024 at the SYB Party Center located at 4157 Hudson Drive,
Stow, Ohio 44224.
Doors will open at 3:30 pm with the business meeting
starting at 4:00 pm, followed by time to socialize and buy that
lure which will make all the difference in 2024. All members
are urged to attend. During the business meeting, you will be
electing new officers and choosing your 2025 Main Event lake.
You must be a paid up member to vote in the meeting.
The banquet will start at 6:00 pm followed by our dinner
and award presentations. The banquet meal will be $35
per person for adults and $15 for children age 10 and under.


You can register for the banquet at this site:

At the site you can register yourself and anyone
attending with you and pay for the meals thru PayPal. This
application has proven successful for our events because it is so easy
to use, so please give it a try.


If you would like to register by mailing the form back, please
make you check payable to “OHMC” and mail to :
OHMC, 17712 Edgewater Dr., Lakewood, Ohio 44107
The mail in form can be found here:


Lunge Fest Event at West Branch Results

Saturday marked the last event of 2023, and it ended with a bang. It was cold, wet, and windy, but that did not stop 24 anglers from braving the elements. 5 anglers submitted a total of 9 fish over 30”. Austin Blauser was able to secure a first-place finish and the Big Fish pot of $120 with a massive 50” Muskie. Austin generously donated the Big Fish pot back to the club. Austin will also be presented with a first-place plaque at our awards banquet in February 2024. Congratulations on your 50” monster and thank you for your generous donation, Austin.


Great job to the following anglers who also caught and submitted fish during the event.


Austin Blauser – 50”

Justin Harbin – 47.5”, 38.5”, and 38”

Alex Turner – 46”, 41”, and 40”

Mark Herring – 45.5”

Kirk Adkins – 40.5”


Thank you to everyone who came out to fish, including those that donated extra money to the Minnow Fund. We hope to see everyone at the awards banquet in February 2024, and look forward to another great year of fishing.


Austin Blauser 50

Austin Blauser 50″

Justin Harbin 47.5

Justin Harbin 47.5″

Justin Harbin 38.5

Justin Harbin 38.5″

Justin Harbin 38

Justin Harbin 38″

Alex Turner 46

Alex Turner 46″

Mark Herring 45.5

Mark Herring 45.5″

Kirk Adkins 40.5

Kirk Adkins 40.5″

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