48th Annual O.H.M.C. Open Summer Contest Results

The OHMC held our 48th annual Summer Contest on Saturday, July 21st and Sunday, July 22nd, 2018 at Piedmont Lake. The weekend seemed to be plagued with many anglers having a variety of boat trailer problems. These issues once again displayed the true character of our club. First, past president Fred Lederer had problems on the highway on Thursday evening. But Chad Harmon, Kevin LaRoche, Phil Cummings, and Greg Eichen all jumped in and helped in their own way. A new member showed up with his sons and had a trailer weld break in the marina parking lot. Our trustees jumped into action and walked the trailer to the ramp to ensure the repair could be made. We had two other members with further trailer problems, but you get the idea, in each instance, our members stepped up and banded together to get everyone on the water. We really do have a wonderful group that I’m proud to be affiliated with.

On Friday evening, we began to assemble and soon laughter, handshakes, and stories began to fill the air. It’s always special to see old friends and new at these events. The weather for the weekend looked ominous with forecasts of heavy non-stop rain dominating the predictions. In typical fashion, trustees Rick Daniels and Kevin Proffit showed up with a tent suitable for all members to have shelter available.

The rain started early on Saturday morning but didn’t last long, we would only see minor sprinkles a couple times for the entire event thankfully. The cooler temps and partly cloudy skies made for perfect weather for this event. Many locals had warned us about the poor fishing recently at Piedmont and the dire predictions seemed to indicate we would struggle for slime in this event. We had 40 anglers set out in search of an opportunity to use their net.

We assembled on Saturday evening for some fantastic steaks, thanks to Rick Simpson, Fred Lederer, and Jerry Rice. Tim Smith once again cooked fresh corn-on-the-cob and there were many other great side dishes to fill our bellies with yummy goodness. We drew our raffle winners, including Rich Daniels winning our lure board and Fred Lederer winning our 50/50. Some of the members went out after dinner, while others elected to enjoy a great evening with a cold beverage and good friends.

By Sunday afternoon, we assembled to see if anyone had cracked the code. Indeed, out of 40 anglers, we had 31 fish reported as being caught. Chuck Land turned in the biggest fish at 45.50 inches and collected $195 for his accomplishment. Scott Donohew turned in 6 fish to claim first place, Phil Cummings turned in 5 fish to earn second place, and Phil Jarvis turned in 4 fish to claim third place. Our winners will get their trophies at our banquet next Spring.

All fish caught: Scott Donohew (32.00, 36.00, 43.00, 33.50, 33.50, 36.00) 58.00 points; Phil Cummings (32.50, 33.25, 32.75, 34.75, 34.50) 43.75 points; Phil Jarvis (31.25, 31.50, 34.50, 38.00) 29.25 points; Dave White (40.00, 36.00) 24.00 points; Chuck Land (45.50) 19.50 points; Jerry Rice (42.00) 16.00 points; Rich Reeves (39.00) 13.00 points; Fred Lederer (37.50) 11.50 points; Seige Bostwick (37.00) 11.00 points; Greg Eichen (36.00) 10.00 points; Elmer McClure (35.00) 9.00 points; Kyle Jones (33.50) 7.50 points; David Baio (33.50) 7.50 points; Tim Smith (33.00) 7.00 points; Bill Zonker (32.00) 6.00 points; Linda Zonker (32.00) 6.00 points; Troy Oliver (32.00) 6.00 points; Jeff Clark (32.00) 6.00 points.