LungeFest results

The weather people said it would be a tough day with rain and thunderstorms, but except for an occasional light rain, Saturday June 19th turned out to be a great day to catch muskies.  We had 35 anglers sign up to fish the LungeFest at Leesville and most saw action in terms of follows, lost fish and catches.  When the day was finished 21 fish hit the nets with 8 being over 40 inches.  Rick Thorp led the way with a 5 fish day.  The winner of the event was David White with a beautiful 45″ fish.  Dave also claimed the big fish pot and graciously donated $60 back to the Minnow Fund.  Here is a list of all the fish caught and a few pictures from the event.

Jerry Rice  31″

John Diez 38″ (caught on a fly)

Scott Donohew 33″

Don Gutshall 43.5″

Jack McAllister  39.75″

Bill Schultz Jr. 38.5″

Matt Litten 38″

Leo Soehnlen 37.25″

Rick Thorp 44″, 39.5″, 40.25″, 42.5″, 42.5″

Dave White 39.5″, 45″

Tim Smith  43.5″, 40.5″

Anna Marie Land 36″

Russ Roberts 35″

Jeff Lucas 34.5″

Jason Basic  36″



