9th Annual Minnow Fund Outing September 25th and 26th

The final event of 2021 is our 9th Annual Minnow Fund Outing at West Branch on Saturday September 25th and Sunday September 26th.  Given that we are in a pre-turnover period, the fish should be feeding heavy to begin bulking up for the winter.  The tournament will run from 7:00 am Saturday to 2:00 pm Sunday.  Tournament registration is online at




You can also register in person at the West Ramp of West Branch from 6:00 am to 8:00 am on Saturday.  All fish must be turned in to the tournament director by 2:30 pm on Sunday at the West Ramp.

All entries fees will go directly into the Minnow Fund.  We will not be having any raffles, so any donations also would be very much appreciated and would go directly into the Minnow Fund.  Entry fee is $20 with a Big Fish pool of $5 if you chose to participate.  First and second place will receive trophies at our banquet in 2022.  Scoring will be based on points with each fish 30” or greater getting 4 points for the fish and additional points for every inch over 30 inches.   For example, a 42.5” fish would earn 4 points plus 12.5 points for a total of 16.5 points.  The winner will be the highest total points for the weekend.  All fish entered will be based on a honor system, no pictures are required but please take some pictures of your fish for our Instagram and Facebook pages.
